Saturday, May 23, 2009

May Days

What a month May has been and continues to be. I looked at our calendar the first of this month and we literally have something almost eveyday. I never thought we would be this busy already with our kids so young. The store has kept us hopping with hiring. We have had the things talked about below that I finally blogged, along with upcoming events with T-ball, dance, mission farewell, family get togethers, and meetings. It has been a fun month, but exhausting. I am having a hard time keeping up, but enjoying every minute of it. We had a fun day today visitng with the Gee's, we miss them so much. We are excited to watch this Monday night the first episode of "Here Comes the Newley Weeds" because our cousins Jed and Sarin are one of the couples on it. Congratulations to them. What a fun experience. Ethan just got back from hunting in Montatna. He shot a bear and is now home. I wanted to post pictures, but who knows where they may be. I'm glad he was able to have a little vacation, but glad he is back home. We sure missed our dad. We are having so much fun and just enjoying every minute we have together as a family. I feel so blessed to have a wonderful husband and three precious children.


We had three high school graduates this year from the family. Taylor, Megan & Meran. We are so proud of them. BrinLee insisted that we had to go to graduation and I am glad we did. McKlane and McKay were so sweet and watched Easton for us. We are excited for Taylor as he prepares for his mission, Megan as she begins hair college, and Meran as she starts college in the Fall. Megan and Meran left today for Cedar and I don't know what I am going to do without them. They have been so good to me and my children. I feel like I am sending my own children away, I am so sad, but excited for their next stage in life. BrinLee has had two melt downs already, but is looking forward to going and visiting them, and for their visits here. Thank you girls for all that you do. You are all of our best friends.

Jasha's Wedding

We had a great time at Jasha's reception. Easton really enjoyed the suckers and kept running outside all night to play in the mud. BrinLee loved passing out the thank you suckers and making sure everyone had two or three of them. Of course they loved the refreshments. BrinLee enjoyed the dancing especially the money dance, but she only would dance with Jasha. She wasn't about to dance with Gary. We are so excited for Jasha and Gary and want to Congratulate them. Their recpection and wedding were beautiful.

BrinLee's last day of Preschool

BrinLee had a great last day of preschool. Her preschool class went to Grandpa and Grandma's farm to ride Black Beauty, play on the tractors and ride the walker on the tire horses. Granpa has set up his own little amusement park. Grandpa gave the pony rides while grandma ran the walker. We had a lot of fun and were so glad all of BrinLee's preschool friends got to come and celebrate the end of a great preschool year. BrinLee can't wait until it starts again in the Fall.

Braxton's First Tooth

Braxton got his first tooth on the 12th of this month. He wasn't about to let me take a picture of it, but he always has his same two little fingers to suck on and help soothe the new tooth coming in. He was a little fussy due to that and his immuniztions (poor little guy!). He is such a good baby and is so fun. You will notice most pictures now have him with his two little fingers.

Joe's Crab Shack

Meran, Brin, & Brax
Easton had these girls following him around all night

BrinLee loves posing even when her brother is after her


Megan entertaing Braxton

We went to Joe's Crab Shack with my parents and the Allred's. We had a lot of fun and the best part was the playland that entertained the children. It was one of the best dinners we have enjoyed in a long time thanks to the glass windows we watched the children play while we ate. More restaurants should do that. After dinner we all had a big sleep over at Bryson's and then the next morning we went to the temple with McKay as he recieved his endowment. The girls watched our kids at the mall. They got the kids in style with Easton's new hat and BrinLee's acrylic nails. Yes, my 4 year old now has acrylic nails, and loves them. I am scared to think what she will be wanting during those teenage years. McKay leaves for his mission in June. We are so proud of him and wish him the best!