Saturday, March 7, 2009

Megan & Meran's Prom

BrinLee had been excited all week for the prom. She had to get ready 3 hours before it was time to go. In between getting ready and leaving for the prom a lady knocked at our door and had roses for me. I was shocked that Ethan sent me flowers just because. He is so sweet, and it was so fun to get the roses when I least expected it. It reminded me of when we were dating. It's always nice to know that your husband still thinks of you even when he is running in 10 different directions. BrinLee asked who the roses were from and I told her daddy. She said, "No he didn't that lady gave them to you." I explained the whole process to her and then she believed me once I had called and thanked Ethan for them. Ethan was in Cedar City with Easton.
Megan and Meran were absolutely stunning. I can't believe they are all grown up. It was just yesterday it seems that I would babysit them. I realize how important it is to cherish each day with my little ones. Megan and Meran are like my own. They are so wonderful to help me with my children and are two of my best friends. We enjoy having them around so much. They are like big sisters to my kids. BrinLee absolutely adores them and loved seeing and following them around for a bit at the prom. Ethan has nicked named BrinLee M & M since she acts a lot like them. Yes, we feel like we have a teenager already. Braxton was quite entertained by all of the bright colors and music at the prom. We missed Easton, but he had a lot more fun spending time with his dad.
When Ethan got home today he was telling me how great Easton was for him on their little trip. Ethan left to go run some errands and within a half hour Easton was beyond wound up. He is always a ball full of energy and into everything, but today after dumping chips he randomly found some touch up paint for cars, and touched up the house with it. While I was feeding Brax for 3 minutes he was covered in paint along with the carpet wall and couch. I regret now that I didn't take a picture, but I was so worried about getting the paint off of him and everything else before it dried that I forgot too. Easton is quite creative with all sorts of things and there is always something he is in too. He keeps our life interesting and it is a good thing that he is so cute and has the sweetest smile that melts his mom's heart.


Anonymous said...

Oh Easton, you and my Ethan would have so much fun getting into trouble!! I cannot believe Megan and Meran have had prom, crazy!! Isn't it so nice getting flowers! Looks like you've been kept busy. Chat soon!

Bridi said...

My girls saw the pictures and were so excited. Mishayla said,"those are my friends", she pointed at BrinLee and said, "I like her best!" The roses are very sweet those things make the messes bearable.

Michelle said...

Are those your sisters? I don't even recognize them. I love getting flowers from my hubby also. He just doesn't do it when I'm not expecting it. O, well and least I get some right. Your daughter is so dang cute by the way. I love her little blondy hair. See ya, Michelle(Leonhardt)

Kristi Drennan said...

Heidi!! I didn't know you had a blog! Look at your cute family!

nancy said...

I can't believe that Megan and Meran are old enough for prom. I remember baby sitting them to. Holy we got old.

Your little family is so cute. It was so good to see you and E when I was home. I am sorry I wasn't so talkative it was a long day. Your little one is so stinking cute.

Come on over and visit any time

The Ungermans said...

Ohh they looked so pretty! I love love lvoe Brynlee lol she is such a sweetie!